Monday, May 26, 2014

25 May, 2014

        Well hey guys, how's it going? Things are okay here. This was week 6
of the transfer. I'm not going anywhere. Here in C Heights for another
Seems like it's gone by in the blink of an eye, but slow at the same
time. We managed to find a total of 4 new investigators so far, and
have lost two of them. That's just how it goes. I guess we just
haven't found that elect person yet. We'll keep working on it.
Yesterday should have been a great day, but wasn't because the
our investigator family didn't come to church. So no baptism this week. It's a
real kick in the teeth after two transfers of work. We'll stick with
them though. You know how it goes Dad. The ward is as "meh" as ever.
Got any tips for getting more member support? We told the ward council
yesterday we needed a lot of help with the our investigator family and their
collective response was basically "Yeah". Period. That's it.

  In other less discouraging news, I ate a baby octopus on Friday. We
went to a Dim Sum and they had some pretty freaky stuff there. The
octopus wasn't that bad though. Kind of just chewy and salty. I
couldn't bring myself to cut it open and see if the brain was still
inside, so I just forked it into my mouth whole. Yum.
After having written that, I'm not entirely sure what the encouraging
message is there... Try new things maybe? Every octopus has a silver
lining? Either way, it didn't come back to life in my stomach and
start swimming around, so I figure I'm good.
        Elder Huaman goes home in two days! How crazy is that? Another dead
companion. It's sad, but at the same time it always reminds me that
missions don't last forever. I sure admire Elder Huaman's work ethic
though. He's one of the best missionaries I've ever met.
        Right now I'm in the process of "plateau busting" with my Spanish.
President told me not to be content with mediocrity because I'm a
"brilliant language learner". He might just be blowing sunshine at me,
to borrow one of Dad's metaphors, (out of which end does the sunshine
metaphorically blow, by the way?) but it motivated me to work harder.
So I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone with exciting new
vocabulary like "ledge" (repisa) and "duck" (agachar). That's the verb
duck, not the waterfowl. Exciting.
         One of the English elders brought us all Baja Blast today, so
that's a good start to the week!
Anyways, I'm doing great. Love you guys!

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