Monday, June 9, 2014

The Good, The Bad and the Elderly

Dear Mom and Dad,

 Well, the craziest thing that happened this week was that I had to

 call 911 for the first time in my life on Friday.

 But before I get to that I'll talk about all of the less interesting

 stuff first. This week was pretty slow, unfortunately. We didn't get

 to have many lessons, and we didn't get around to see everyone on our

 list. I guess it just happens sometimes, but it still stinks. We went

 to Costa Vida to eat, and you'll be interested to know that we're now

 4 for 5 with people paying for us. There are SO many Mormons who

 aggregate there. Probably because Costa got started in Utah. But yeah.

 We've discovered that all you have to do is go there in pross and

 there will almost always be someone there who will come up and talk to


 Yesterday (Saturday) we went and helped someone move in 104 degree

 weather. It wasn't much fun.

On Thursday we rode our bikes out of the mission to go to the

 Sacramento Temple. That was also a great experience. I love visiting

 the temple. After almost a year, I realized there was a lot I'd

 forgotten, and I felt the spirit really strongly there. I didn't mess

 up nearly as much as a I thought I would during the session. It was

 great. We took a bunch of pictures that I'll send later if the bullion

 year old computer here work. I might as well use an abacus to send


 Anyways, now on to Friday. So we were sitting in the church weekly

 planning and all of the sudden one of the guys who was mowing the lawn

 outside runs up and starts pounding on the glass door. We open it up

 and the first thing he says is: "Guys there's a huge fire going back

 there, someone should probably call the fire department."

 Sure enough, there were flames coming out of a dry creek bed running

 behind the church, tall enough for me to see them coming up over the

 edge of the creek bed from about 50 yards away. So I called 911 and

 told them where we were. Then I ran down there with two other guys who

 had been cleaning up around the church and started beating the flames

 back with some green tree branches dipped in water/trying to kick dirt

 over the fire. One of them grabbed a water cooler from their truck and

 started hauling water over from a spigot by the church building. Then

 firemen showed up about 10 minutes later and doused the flames with

 some kind of water/chemical mix that left big patches of foam down in

 the creek bed. Everything ended well minus the fact that my shoes got

 covered in ash and I smelled like a campfire the rest of the day. But

 yeah. That's the story of the time I got to be a firefighter on my

 mission. I rewarded myself with a Sangrita Blast Mountain Dew from

 Taco Bell. It's like Baja Blast but raspberry-flavored. It's also Taco

 Bell's only redeeming feature.

 So far we haven't got many new investigators. We talked to one lady

 who seemed really interested only to come back the next day and find

 out she'd gone in for an emergency operation on her appendix a few

 hours after we talked to her and is going to be in the hospital for

 awhile. Another interesting story: so we were talking to her friend

 outside her house (in Spanish). Her friend was in a car with another

 older lady who was driving, and clearly did not speak Spanish. We were

 asking her friend if there was anything we could do when this old

 white lady just snaps and butts in with: "I don't have time for this.

 Get out of here. Goodbye." I was pretty much lost for words. I tried

 to explain that we were asking if we could do anything for this lady

 in the hospital, but she wouldn't hear it. She just kept saying


 So that was the time we got kicked off of somebody else's property by

 some old grandma. Maybe because she thought we were insulting her in

 Spanish? I'll never know. Maybe she just needs to drink more prune


 Anyways, I'm on the downhill side, and it feels great. Our investigator

 family came to church yesterday minus the dad again, so the plan for

 now is to have the mom and the kids get baptized this Saturday because

 they really want to. The dad does too, and he know he needs to get

 to church, but they're basically living paycheck to paycheck right now

 and he has to work Sundays just to get by. He's a sincere guy, and I

 know he has a desire to be baptized. He also told us that when he's

 baptized he doesn't want to just do it and then go inactive because of

 his work. He wants to go all the way. So his plan is to work like

 crazy for another few weeks and save up some more cash so he can

 afford to not work on Sundays.

 So yeah. Things are good here in California, other than the fact that

 it's over 100 degrees every day.

 But yeah

 Love you all!
