Monday, September 23, 2013

Hey everyone!

Thanks for writing.  Thanks so much for the pictures and candy. They were great :)

I'm really glad to hear about everything going on back home. The mission is going great. We're currently teaching our latest convert's mom, who is very catholic, but seems to be progressing.
Most of our time is spent looking up potentials/formers in certain areas. We do very little tracting except in high-density spanish speaking areas such as Hamilton City, which is basically like Little Mexico. Chico actually reminds me a lot of home. There's a ton of trees here like in Heber City, and it's pretty nice. Thankfully we get to stay out of the college area since Chico State is a really big party school.
We have two other investigators now. They used to be 7th Day Adventists, so their biggest challenge was having the Sabbath on Sunday instead of Saturday, but they've been progressing a lot. I feel like it might be a challenge getting them to commit to baptism though, even though I think they're ready right now. They just seem set on studying the Book of Mormon. I'm worried that they might just become "intern"-agators instead of investigators. So yeah. But whatever happens will.
So far I've only had two doors slammed in my face, and they were both white people. Spanish speakers are super friendly even if you're bugging them so much they can hardly stand it. They just act really disinterested. White people on the other hand like to yell and swear. So that's fun.

Spanish is coming along well enough. I can essentially say anything I want now. My problem is when people start talking really fast. But I'm learning!

One more transfer and I'm an entire 1/4 of the way done. How crazy is that? I've realized how fast time is going to go by, and how much I need to focus on working, because it'll be over before I know it.

