Monday, August 19, 2013

19 August, 2013

Dear Family,
The work has been great. We've picked up two new investigators in the past few days, one of which was a really cool experience. We were tracting, and just didn't feel productive/focused. So we decided to go to another area and start again, only this time we prayed before starting. We walked into the Lincon Apt. complex and the first lady we saw we started talking to. A few minutes later her husband, Juan, showed up from work. It's the cosecha (harvest) right now, so a lot of hispanics have crazy work hours because our mission is a big farm area.
Anyways, we taught the whole lesson of the restoration there on the porch. We were about to leave, and I remembered that I had a Spanish Book of Mormon in my bag. I wasn't sure if I should give it to them since we hadn't said anything about it yet, and I was worried that they would just ask a ton of difficult questions about where it comes from, etc. because they're catholic (like basically every other Spanish speaker in Roseville). So I prayed. Immediately I felt an overhwhelming feeling of peace, so I pulled it out and said "We'd like to leave this with you too." in Spanish. Then we explained how it's another testament of Jesus Christ. They accepted it right away, and said they would read it! The both seemed very interested in it, especially Juan's wife, Aurora. We have a return appointment next Saturday.
My first area is Chico, Cali. It's a college town. It's pretty nice here. I like it, even though it's pretty hot out. We go to a Spanish branch in Orland. We have a car.
I'm really happy to hear that you got home all right. I'm sure Costa Rica was a blast! Thanks for sending me the pictures!
I love you all, and miss you. I'm having a fantastic time on my mission!
P.S.My address is 101 Risa Way, Apt. 114 Chico CA 95973