Tuesday, November 19, 2013

suspicious Krispy Kream sales

November 18, 2013

Dear Family,

This week was really slow. First off, we got two calls last Sunday. One from Alonso's mom saying he couldn't meet with us for two weeks, and the other from Maria and Miguel saying they were going to be in Mexico for two weeks. So with our teaching pool drastically reduced, we went ahead and tried to find some new investigators. No dice. We had an experience with a kid whose dad wanted us to teach him. He's into gangs and had his jaw broken by a baseball bat at one point. His dad was understandably worried about his future. But when we showed up, it turned out that his dad was basically trying to force him into talking to us. He didn't want anything to do with it. It just goes to show you that agency is a huge part of the plan of salvation.

In other news, we found a weed farm  in Chapman Town - little house surrounded on all sides by nopales (cactus), fences with plywood nailed to them to make them higher, and to top it all off, barbed wire on the tops. The smell was overpowering. I don't know how they manage to do business if a couple of missionaries can spot their hideout, but whatever. I guess the police force here is too busy investigating krispy kream sales to bother themselves with drug pushers. We saw a meth house too. It had a gang symbol spray painted by the door. You know when you're in drug territory when you see tennis shoes strung up on electric wires too. Lots of secret signs, etc.

Exactly like the robbers of Gadianton. That's why I really like the story in the BoM where it talks about the Lamanites preaching the gospel among the robbers in their part of the land - and that the entire group of robbers was disbanded as a result. Pretty cool.

We had a great lesson with Manuel. He's been so prepared, it's incredible. He actually understands what we leave with him to read in between lessons, and constantly says that what we teach makes a lot of sense to him. He told us that he knows he needs to be baptized into the "restored church" which was great first of all because he has that conviction and second of all because I've never actually heard an investigator use those words before. He just understands. So we feel blessed to be teaching him.

Thanks a ton for writing. I love hearing about how everyone back home is doing and how your weeks are. Time is still racing by. I can hardly believe it's been another week already. I want to make the most of every day I get.

Love you,
