Dear Family,
This week I found out how to say
"krabby patty" in Spanish. It's "cangre burge" (cangrejo
hamburguesa) in case you were wondering. Just another gem from the world of
American television dubbed into other languages.
This week was pretty good, con
la excepción de que he estado un poco resfriado, y acabo de estar con tos
también. In other words I've had a cold and a bad cough. It's been raining here
since last Thursday, which was incredible because last Sunday all the members
in the area fasted together for rain. Now we just have to figure out how to
turn it off before we all drown...
highlight this week was that one of our families we’re teaching came to church
and stayed for all three hours with both of their daughters. They said they
loved it and plan to come every week. I think the chances of them getting
baptized are pretty high. They're such great people - and have been prepared to
receive the gospel. We also met with another investigator yesterday who’s gone
through a 180 degree change since Elder Edwards and I met with him a few months
ago. He related some of his experiences being in the Peruvian military to Elder
Huamán and I, and he told us that he'll come to church the week after next. I
think we really made some headway with him. He wants to learn about the gospel
now, especially El Libro de Mormón.
yeah. I've seen some real progress with my Spanish this week. I no longer sound
like a gringo at all. I used to think the accent wouldn't be too bad, I mean, I
could roll my Rs and everything, but it's harder than you might think to pass
yourself off as semi-fluent and not likely to hurt yourself trying to say words
like "ronronear" or "tergiversar" (my Spanish vocabulary
word from Sunday, courtesy of Juan - who teaches me a lot just by conversing
with us because he's highly educated and speaks Spanish accordingly).
amusing anecdote for the week actually comes from last week when we helped the
Mannings paint a casita on the church nut farm. They gave us all coveralls with
hoods to work in, but the zipper on mine was broken, so they solved the problem
by giving me another one in XXXL, which I decided to just wear over the first
one. So, covered in excess material and therefore looking something like the
Michelin Man crossed with a ninja (I'll send some pictures later) we set to
work. It was a pretty fun experience, albeit hotter than I would have liked.
I got a reproving call from Sister Weston reminding me to write my weekly email
to President because I completely forgot to. And by reproving I mean as
reproving as Sister Weston can possibly be. She's a really sweet lady. I'm
fairly certain that President has Sister Weston make calls like that sometimes
so that he doesn't freak the missionaries out.
have yet to be with a companion that I didn't like, it's true. I guess it will
happen somewhere along the line. Hopefully not anytime soon though.
Love you all and have a great week.