Monday, August 25, 2014

the story of the most boring earthquake ever...

August 25, 2014

Hey guys!

This week seems like it went by so fast! We got out to see more people and it felt great.  In other exciting news we found out that tomorrow Elder F. is coming up to Gridley to sign a lease on a house for us to live in with two other elders, so that will be awesome. I'm excited to get a place with a dishwasherJ

     Nothing particularly interesting happened this week. Just this usual stuff. V. is doing well. One of our branch members, Brother P., knows her husband pretty well and is planning on talking to him about letting her be baptized, which would be really cool. So remember her in your prayers.

     I don't remember if I told you guys, but I'm serving around Elder T. again. He's Elder H’s new companion. This is cool, because I get to see him again, but at the same time it's not cool because we have a lot of green missionaries here who don't speak Spanish very well, and we need these native speakers to help them out.  Hopefully pres is able to get some of them training before too long. We got ahold of the list of new greenies coming in and there's two from Utah, one from Nevada, and a guy named H from NYC. So not a lot of hope for more native speakers there. Unless Hiroki is Peruvian-Japanese (which is a thing by the way).

     To be honest mom, any package you sent would probably be safer at the other elders apartment than here. Besides we're probably going to be moving in the next week or so.

You should send me food! And some scripture marking pencils. That's all I can think of at the moment. And some more of that threader floss stuff. Haha the year's supply I brought with me is gone now. (I seriously had enough for my whole first year in the mission).

     I just got your email about the earthquakes. We felt a little bit here at around 3 am. It woke me up, and I felt kind of dizzy for a few seconds. Nothing like what you see in the movies with furniture crashing everywhere and the walls shaking. It was kind of just weird. I didn't know what had happened until the next day when everyone was talking about it. I would have hoped for some giant fissures in the ground or a raging fire or two, but I guess not. Pretty lame if you ask me.

       I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well. Tell Jess I said "hi" and to eat all the candy she can get her hands on, because sore throats are no laughing matter. Have fun in school Kate and Sam. Give your teachers some grey hairs!
