Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dear Mom and Dad,

A couple of days ago we went out to eat with Elder Gentry and Johnson. I had been down all day because this week has been unusually slow. So we were sitting here eating and this super catchy song came on the radio, the chorus of which goes "I'm only gonna be an optimist about this". I'd never heard it before, and I don't know who it's by or even what it's called, but that phrase has been stuck in my head this whole week. Seems like it always starts up again whenever it's 100+ degrees out and we're trying to knock doors or somebody's making fun us. The words pop into my head and before I know it I start humming along. Never gets old. So my thought for the week is that I shouldn't let the circumstances determine my attitude. So we have a rough area. So what? I'm only gonna be an optimist about this mission. 

That's not to say it isn't tough sometimes. But it's getting easier every day. I guess the fastest way to move on from a bad area is to hurry up and learn the lesson I'm supposed to learn from all of this. Either way my attitude will improve, and I'll do better overall.

Well, our investigator family (who was going to be baptized on the 31st, but weren’t) came to church - minus the dad. He had asked somebody to finish fixing a car for him that the owner was coming to pick up today (Monday) so that he could go to church. But the guy was a no-show, so he had to stay home yet again and fix this car. Pretty lame. But on the bright side the mom is now willing to be baptized - even if the baptism has to be pushed back another week so they can all be baptized together. 

So... Yeah. Lots of stress and stress-relief this week. Seems like there's always ups and downs. That's just how it goes. 

Getting to see Elder Gentry was sweet. I've missed him since I left Chico. He's had a pretty rough couple of transfers with some really lame companions. He's district leader now. 

Our new mission president, President Marston, come is a couple of weeks.  Speaking of which, President has been cleaning house like crazy in preparation for the change of hands. 8 missionaries have been sent home early in the last 3 weeks. It's crazy. Or maybe the mission is just going through a rough patch, I don't know.

Interesting anecdote: I ate two habanero peppers today. Stuff is HOT. I talked elder Johnson into eating one and he threw it up... Haha felt a little bit bad after that 

Anyways, that was my week. It was great to hear how you're all doing!




And now for your entertainment, a video of me trying to cut flying fruit with a machete after district meeting. I got a solid 3 hits in. 

I'm guessing a baseball career is not in my future. 


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