Monday, April 28, 2014

28 April, 2014

28 April, 2014
Hey everyone!

This week has gone by ridiculously fast. I can't believe it's already
Monday again. We've had a better time of it than we did last week,
that's for sure. We managed to have three lessons with our investigator’s
family, all of which went really well. His wife is a nice
lady and seems to feel the Spirit during our lessons. His kids are
great - especially their oldest who is 11 years old and basically the force
pushing them all to get to church, read, and pray. So far they haven't
been doing too well with their commitments though. They seem to be
unable to make it out to things. So that's frustrating. But hey,
that's how it goes. Missions. We also got two referrals from Bro.
Sanchez, who is the second counselor in our ward and super
missionary-minded. He's been incredibly helpful with everything we're
trying to do.

We've been getting up at 5:45 every morning to drive to a member's
weight room with the Orangevale Elders so we can lift. It's been
great. The only problem is I'm running out of food. Definitely gaining
muscle mass though. Definitely.
What else... Oh, Monday evening I got the Easter package you sent me.
Thanks guys! It was great. Especially the Reese's egg.
This week I've been working on trying to just relax about everything.

We're working hard, but we aren't stressing about everything. We have
been taking some flak from the members for not having enough
lessons/baptisms but hey, it's not like we can force people to listen
to us. We just do the best we can.

I have to be able to say at the end of it all that I left for the
right reason. Not to go somewhere exotic, or baptize hundreds of
people. But because I want to do what Heavenly Father wants me to, and
do it as best I can. The rest doesn't even need to be on my radar.
I'm also very grateful for the growth that I've seen in myself. I
don't think I had ever really wanted to leave on a mission for myself,
but I've definitely seen the most miracles as I've tried to become
more mature in order to deal with being a missionary. I guess if I had
to leave home for two years and preach the gospel to really become
converted, that's worth the trouble.

I still have all of those pictures of our vacations that you sent up
hung up around the Batcave (my study desk). Sometimes I look at them
and I'm reminded of how lucky I truly am to be in our family - because
what stands out to me isn't what's in the background, but the fact
that they're all of us together. I feel like being sent here with all
of you people was definitely predetermined. So I love you all.
But enough of that.

La habla de las mujeres, pues. No la entiendo para nada. Lo bueno es
que ahora se que tipo de mujer no me cae bien. Las que hablan sin
decir nada, y las que besan a mis amigos detrĂ¡s de mi.
Por lo menos tengo a mis cuachidolos.

Anyways, it's sure nice to hear from you all. Hope you're doing well!
Love you guys!

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