Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Joy in Sharing the Gospel

3 Feb, 2014
Hi everyone!

This week has been great. We had 10 lessons, which is an improvement
from last week, and definitely a high point for us. Probably because
we've found so many new people to teach. On Tuesday I took over the
area for exchanges, which usually entails dragging an English elder
around to all of your lessons in Spanish. We were going to go tracting
for a few hours, and I was with a guy who is particularly quiet. So
rather than saying everything at every door, I decided to go grab
Bryan Arevalo from our branch, who's preparing for a mission. He came
along with us and we knocked nearly every door in the apartment
complex until we came to one where we found  a nice couple. They
invited us in, and we taught them the first lesson. It was only the
second time I've ever been invited to come in at the door on my
mission. Now they're our two newest investigators. They're really
nice. The wife is a professional translator and speaks both Spanish and
English, but the husband is just starting to learn English and doesn't
read very well in either language. I have high hopes for them. It was
definitely a highlight on my mission - the first time I've ever been
happy to be out tracting. And not just happy, but feeling the joy of
sharing the gospel. It doesn't come all the time. Some days are just
drudgery. But when it does, it's a powerful testimony-builder.

Well, today is p day, and I've budgeted my money so that I only spend
so much every week and won't run out. That should be less of a problem
though because now we're getting dinners from the English wards again,
and I won't have to spend money on ingredients to make dinner.
Time goes by fast on a mission, but January has gone even quicker than
usual. It's crazy. The Whitings are about to go home, and we'll be
getting a new senior couple in the branch. I think I'll be transferred
on March 4th because in our interviews with President Weston he asked
me if I was "ready for a change" which usually means "you're leaving
whether you like it or not".
We've also heard that they're forming an all Spanish district
somewhere in the mission, so that should be pretty cool.

I had actually seen that “new mission presidents” article before. A member showed it to us.
It's interesting that he's from Germany. That will be a cool
transition to see.


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