Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hey Family,

So first things first: I'm staying in Chico. My new companion's name is Elder Huaman, he's a native of Peru. I'm super excited to improve my Spanish with him. I get to drive now too, since he doesn't have a U.S. license. I'll let you know how he is after I meet him. 
I got our family Christmas Card. It was sweet. Thanks! 
So I send Elder Edwards off today. He flies home tomorrow morning. It was pretty rough.  I'm excited to talk to you all for Christmas.
Haha it's great to hear that Disneyland is still a family tradition. I bet it was an absolute blast. I've been missing all of you too. Thankfully though, things are picking up here in Chico. We had a record turnout to church yesterday, and we got a less active who hasn't been in years to go. I hope we're able to reactivate her. We've started teaching a new investigator named Alejandro, and we're continuing to work with Clarisa and Manuel. They're both progressing well. 
I can't believe it's been so cold back in Utah. We saw a bit of snow on Friday, but it didn't stick at all. Pretty lame.
In order to avert a catastrophic crisis in the near future, I've decided that I need to know the dates of all of the family member's birthdays (minus Sam - already sent his letter ). Especially Mom's. So if you could email those to me, that would be great. Thanks. 
Honestly I don't really know what I want to do when I come home. I've got a while to decide though. Patent law may or may not be for me. I guess we'll find out. 
Time is continuing to fly by.  
P.S. Here are some pictures


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