Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanksgiving Celebration

December 1, 2013
Hello everyone,
It's great to hear from you!
Also, thanks a lot for your letters. It was exactly what I needed that day. Tell Jess I hung her turkey on my wall, and give her a hug for me.
I've been doing really well this week. Thanksgiving was fantastic. Lots of really good food. The day before we went out to the church farm with Elder Manning and spent some time filling in holes with sand in order to make a horseshoes course.  I missed out on candied yams with marshmallows. It seems that they're being given up in favor of various other yam dishes, which is a shame. But Sister Whiting did cook come with apple slices and syrup that were an acceptable substitute. Actually, Sister Whiting's cooking was delicious. she made pumpkin ice cream pie, pecan pie, and the best rolls.  She also made a dish called broccoli puff that's a mix of broccoli, mayo, and cream of mushroom soup with crumbled up cheeze-its on top that you bake in the oven. It was really good.
On Friday, we went to a flea market (fajuca) in Orland. Lots of loud mariachi music and haggling over chickens, but all in all it was fun. I bought an elote - corn on the cob with mayonnaise, parmesan cheese, and chili sauce on it.
Tuesday, we ate with the Jones family. They're some great members in our ward. Brother Jones speaks Spanish. He and his wife weren't converted until just after they had their first son, who had a priesthood blessing that restored his hearing when he was little.
On Wednesday I challenged Ghost Peppers in the form of "Ultra Death Sauce" and was severely chastened for my audacity. Fun fact: Ghost Peppers are 900 times hotter than jalapenos.
t tasted pretty good after I stopped crying.
I can't believe Sam is a 16 year old. I can hardly even wrap my mind around the thought of him driving. Time is definitely going by fast.
Can't wait to talk to you all for Christmas!
Elder Nichols

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