Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pioneer Day Festivities, Wolfhounds and Cleaning up the Area Book

28 July, 2014

Hey everyone!

 This week in Gridley has been pretty good. We've been driving around

 trying to contact everyone in the area book that the sisters were

 teaching before. They have a bunch of "new" investigators who haven't

 been taught in months (or in some cases years) and it doesn't say why.

 I guess they just never got around to dropping them. So now we're

 cleaning up the area book, finding out who's interested, who lives

 where, etc.

 We managed to find a new investigator who expressed interest in coming

 to church.  We found him while trying to contact one

 of the sisters' investigators who apparently moved out months ago. He

 was really friendly and said we could drop by this week. Shotgunning

 an area is a unique experience. For now we're just trying to get to

 know everyone. Gridley is a nice place. There are tons of Mormons

 here. It's almost like Heber in a way.

 We had interviews with President on Friday - everything good there.

 We're probably going to be moving (again) in the next few weeks

 because this little house we're in right now stinks. It only has

 electricity in half of it, and there's no water pressure to speak of.

 Sometimes the toilet just stops working. So President is going to have

 us move to a new place, which is fine by me. I haven't even unpacked.

 Lots of moving this transfer I guess.

On Saturday we had a stake Pioneer Day party. There were probably over

 300 people there. We got free hamburgers and ice cream, played some

 softball, and generally enjoyed ourselves. Speaking of softball, Elder

 Roberts and I got drafted onto the Spanish Branch's team in the stake

 softball tournament that's being played right now. We're playing in

 the championships next Saturday. I'll let you know how it went.

 Well that's all the news that's fit to print.  Have a fantastic time in Spain! Travel safe!

 Love you all!



 Here's a picture of me fighting an Irish Wolfhound

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