Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day after Father's Day

Que tal Pa!

Happy Father's Day! You're the best dad ever. Thanks for being my wingman, for staying cool under fire, for being my eye in the sky. The trail has been rough sometimes, but I know I can always count on you to watch my six for tangos in the brush.

I sent you a letter, but it'll probably get there late. Sorry about that. So for now just know that I appreciate you.

Well, the number one most exciting thing that happened this whole week was that on Saturday our investigator family got baptized! The son asked me to baptize him, so that was really cool. That was the first time I've ever actually baptized a person before. It was a great experience. Hopefully the dad will be able to come to church and follow suit in  a few weeks here. It was awesome to finally see some of the fruits of our labor here after two hard transfers. I'm so glad I got to have that experience. I'll send some pictures as soon as I can.

In other news, later that same day we had to drive an elder to the ER because he ran his head into a low-hanging roof so hard that he gave himself a pretty serious concussion. The kid is like 6'6". Anyways, he was pretty much out of it. Couldn't even walk straight. So we got to sit around for a few hours there while they tried to figure out if his brains had been scrambled or not. Luckily, he'll make a full recovery. Sister Dwyer, the mission nurse, arrived on the scene to do the important task of supervising our sitting around doing nothing. Elder Gentry was complaining about having sinus problems, and she immediately recommended something called a "nasal spritz" which apparently offers a plethora of health benefits besides clear sinuses. I recommended that she buy a subscription to Prevention Magazine. Seems like the kind of thing mission nurses would enjoy.

La Copa Mundial is going right now, so that's all our members are talking about. It's kind of cool to see a bunch of people get so excited over the same thing. Like the Olympics minus events like curling and handball. Plus it's soccer. So it's awesome. I heard the US is up against Ghana, Germany, and Portugal for the prelims so we'll probably be lucky if we advance to the next round.

I've noticed that my Spanish is getting a lot better, which is really cool. I had to translate Sacrament Meeting the week before last, and it went a lot better than it ever had before. I definitely believe in the gift of tongues, and like you said in your letter Ma, everything runs on faith. I've noticed that when I just speak it as much as I can - even if I mess up - I get better. It's all about having confidence that Heavenly Father will help me.

I'll upload those photos as soon as I can.

Love you all!


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