Friday, April 18, 2014

April 7, 2014

Hey everyone!

This week has been great. I absolutely love General Conference. It's the greatest! I really enjoyed Elder Holland's talk, as always, but one that stood out to me was Elder W. Craig Zwick's talk. I think it was something that I needed to hear. I hope you're all having a great time in Puerto Rico. Crazy thing - Elder Christensen's parents are in Puerto Rico too! They're headed home today though. Small world.

 Things here are pretty much the same as always. We couldn't meet with one or our investigators this week, sadly, because he had to work out of town. Keep him in your prayers so that he can be baptized!

Elder Rodriguez is now in his last week as a missionary. I've told you already how trunky killing missionaries makes me, so I won't whine about it too much. But yeah. It's not a lot of fun. Hopefully getting a new companion in here will re-motivate me. I really hope I get to train someone who doesn't speak English (if I train) but we'll see.

I'm trying to think of cool things that happened, but I'm drawing a blank. It's just been business as usual. I have come to the realization that we need to focus on members more though. That's something that would really help us out with new investigators here. I think that we'll start visiting them more often and trying to teach them how to be a greater help to the missionaries.

Today we went to Goodwill to try to find a suitcase for Elder Rodriguez. He's currently stocking up on peanut-butter and blue jeans as well. Makes sense.

I'm excited for my B-Day, and to get the package you sent. I think I'll celebrate by going to 5 Guys.

I'm reading the New Testament right now during my personal study. It's great. 

I don't know if any of you are on right now, but I'll be on to talk to Sam, so if you have any questions I'm around.



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