Monday, February 17, 2014

Another Great Week


The biggest news this week is that the family we have been teaching are getting baptized on March 1st. Or at least they agreed to that date. They came to church again yesterday and they really enjoyed it, which is good because sometimes it's hard for new investigators to enjoy 3 hours of church meetings. But I'm really excited for them and I'm glad that I stayed here in Chico for another transfer, or else I never would have met them. Who knows? We might never have even found them. They're my one and only proof that knocking doors works on occasion. We're going to start teaching the husband English tomorrow.

Zone conference was this Friday, and was great as usual. My favorite part of zone conference is the free lunch. Usually we get Subway, but this time the Relief Society made us tacos and nachos. That was when I learned where the time-honored stereotype that the Relief Society over prepares everything comes from. Since it was Valentine's Day, everything was covered in heart-shaped doilies in various colors. They even left paper hearts on the floor with instructions for moving through the taco assembly line. But other than that it was really good, and it was great of them to put all that work into feeding us. Perks of being a missionary. 

This Saturday we get to go to a baptism for two of Elder Huamán's investigators in Lincoln. Well, he gets to. I get to go halfway and then trade places with his old companion Elder Howlett for the day so they can go. I'll be spending most of the day in Gridley with Elder Crockett, who used to be up here in Orland. It'll be fun. Especially to get out of the area a little. 

I've started writing in my journal every night again. I figure I'll want something to give my kids to show them what my mission was like. I'll also probably want to remember when I'm older. The only thing I haven't really gotten in the habit of is picture taking (sorry mom). It's just that we're in California. There's not a whole lot of picture-worthy stuff here, to be completely honest. I'll definitely take pictures at the baptism on the 1st though.  

Love you!



Hey mom, forgot to tell you that I got that package, 

Thanks! I love the tie clip! And the grapefruits were nice and fresh, too

Love you guys


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