Monday, September 9, 2013

A Baptism!

Dear Family,


So. We had a miracle this week! Our investigator, Luis, hasn't been able to get baptized because his mom wouldn't let him until he's 18. So we were talking about him, and I asked if anyone had just gone over to talk about this situation with his mom before, to see if she wouldn't change her mind.


We decided that this would be a good idea, and set up a time to meet with her, along with a member of an LDS family who are his cousins and also fellowshippers. At first she was very reluctant, being a strong Catholic.  But then we started testifying. 


I've never felt the spirit as strongly as I did in that home, that night. We were all speaking Spanish, and I was speaking better than I ever have before. Our lesson that day with Luis had been the same - we were all on the same wavelength the whole time.


We told her that baptism was going to be the first step in him living a better life, and that it would only increase his faith in Jesus Christ. Luis shared his testimony of the Book of Mormon too, and I couldn't believe how much he's changed. His mom even admitted that she'd noticed changes in him. 

Long story short - Luis got baptized last Saturday and confirmed yesterday which we were able to do because he's been attending church. His mom came to church yesterday too! 

It was awesome to see this kid who has been receiving lessons for over a year now finally get to enter the waters of baptism. He's going to make an awesome member and priesthood holder. 



Elder Nichols

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