Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We're Goin' to Vegas, Elder!

Dear family,
It's great to hear about all of you. I'm glad your presentation at the Utah Bar Convention went well - you probably livened up the place a little bit. Snowmass sounds like fun.
I'm really proud of Sam. What a great kid. It's unreal to hear about him driving. I know I've only been gone about a month, but it's awesome to hear about him driving and his 50 miler with the Teachers.  He's going to make a fantastic missionary.  ( Ha! I was wondering how long the Honda would last after I left.)
I can't believe you got to see Elder Holland at church! I keep hoping that we'll see an apostle here at the MTC before we leave, but I don't think that's very likely.
I'm flying out to Vegas tomorrow at 4:30 A.M. to appear before the consulate and get my visa. I'm really glad it came through. Apparently I'm going to be the travel leader for our group - we're going to try to place some copies of the Book of Mormon while we're going.
Only 12 days until I ship out for Torreon!
I'm excited.
I wanted to tell you how lucky I've been to have you as a dad. You've taught me so much about responsibility and working hard without me even knowing. Thank you for being such a great example to me.
Mom, here's the moment when I tell you how lucky I've been to have you. I'll probably tell you many more times, but I'm so glad that you were always there to give me advice when I needed it and direct me. You were the perfect person for it, and it's strengthened my testimony of foreordination.
Anyways, I'll let you know how Vegas went! Super glad my visa wasn't held up.
I might ask you to send some copies of the BOM for me. I've been reading them and marking them with a specific question in mind for the whole book. It's been great.
Don't worry, I'll take lots of pictures in Mexico. Give the little girls lots of love for me!
Elder Nichols

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