Tuesday, July 2, 2013

So Many Missionaries!

Hey Mom and Dad!
It's P Day right now, so I've got email time. The MTC is great! I took an oral exam yesterday to see if I could get into Intermediate Spanish, and I think it went really well. My spanish has improved a ton since I've been here. I can pray, bear my testimony, teach about the scriptures, and even read and understand about 70% of the scriptures in spanish. I feel like the spirit really helps you learn. Being on a mission has been great so far. I'm doing really well.
My companion's name is Elder Kimball.  I'm trying to figure out how to upload pictures right now, so I'll send you them if I can. He's a great guy. I hope I get into a more challenging class. I've realized that I'm not in the MTC to learn a language though. I'm here to learn how to teach, and to learn the fundamentals of the gospel. Tell Sam I miss him, and everyone else too.
There are so many missionaries here! It's crazy! We might be 6 to a room starting tomorrow.
We started teaching our first investigator two days after we got here. "Completamente en espanol". It was nerve-racking. It's gone pretty well so far though.
Dad - I'm glad to hear the theater room is being taken care of in my absence, as well as the movie list. I appreciate all of the lessons you've taught me more than I could ever say. Both in and out of priesthood. I'm glad that you've been such a good example to me all of my life. It's prepared me to be away from home and serving a mission.
Mom - I miss you. Thanks so much for all that you've done for me. You don't really appreciate how much a mom does for you until you have to do it all yourself.
I love you guys! Hope you're all having fun!
Elder Nichols

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