Sunday, June 30, 2013

First Letter From the MTC (Missionary Training Center)

Hola! Como estan ustedes?

I survived my first 24 hours in the MTC!  Everything is great.  I'm loving it here.  The Spirit is here 24/7.  I have asked to be moved from the beginner to the intermediate "clase de espanol", so we'll see what happens. 

I'll be sending pictures and an email next Tuesday.  I love and miss all of you guys!  It's been a long and exhausting, but fulfilling two days.  I've learned more in this short time than I have in months.

Dad, those scripture study classes* have helped me more than I can even express.  I'm leaps and bounds ahead of other elders here.  I'm excited and happy to be serving.

I hope Kate has been having fun and camp.  Hugs and kisses to Libby and Jess.  Mom, I miss your cooking (and you, too.  don't worry). 


Elder Nichols

p.s. Read this scripture during family study - it's an excellent one about missionary service:
Doctrine and Covenants 43:15-16

*Note:  the "scripture study classes" Elder Nichols refers to are weekly Preach My Gospel study sessions that he benefitted from in his LDS priest quorum (16-18 year old young men).  They would meet almost every Sunday, scriptures and Preach My Gospel books in hand, and discuss missionary work.  Jake mentioned often how beneficial it was to hear about mission experiences from his leaders, one of whom was his dad:) 

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