Monday, October 6, 2014

Baptism Date Set!

6 October, 2014

Hey guys!

So the biggest news this week is that J. R. has a baptismal date for the 25th. We had a really great lesson with him last week - he gave us all of his coffee and cigarettes to throw away! So here's hoping he can stick with his commitment to keep the word of wisdom. His son, J.R., Jr. is a member, so it's been cool to see him helping his dad learn. Make sure you keep them both in your prayers!

Other than that this week hasn't been too interesting. We got out and saw a lot of people. I've noticed that my Spanish is doing better than ever. I think The Lord is helping me out a lot. My companion doesn't talk much. I've been trying to give him time to talk in lessons, but I feel bad because it just seems painful for him. His Spanish is still at MTC level even though he's been out almost as long as me. Do you have any thoughts? Should I just let him go at his own pace or keep trying to push him along? How can I help him?

There's really not a whole lot to report on for this week. General conference was great, like always. I especially liked Elder Klebingat's talk. There was a lot there I needed to hear. I also liked the one about "which way we face". I can't remember who gave it off the top of my head. I took a lot of notes though, which helps me pay attention to the talks from start to finish. 4 hours can be a bit much sometimes.

All in all, flying solo hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be, especially when I have the gift of tongues. Things are going well.

I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go so well at the BYU game. Hopefully byu is better next season when I'm home.

I'm looking to experiencing all of the culinary delights that Swig and the Greek Food Truck have to offer (Sam tells me that lamb gyros are for "real men" by the way), and spending time with you guys when I get home. For now I know that I'm doing something worthwhile and important, and that I have Heavenly Fathers help. This week has been a big testimony builder for me.



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