Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cosecha - Harvest Time

1 September, 2014

Hey guys!

It's great to hear from all of you. Things are going well in Gridley.

Nothing really unusual or interesting happened. We taught V. She's doing ok. She really wants to be baptized, but I think she's scared to ask her husband. So keep her in your prayers!

We've moved into our new house now, and it's sweet! Super nice. The only problem is that we're living with this Elder named who thinks he's in charge of everything. He tried to tell us what rooms we were all getting (even though we were there first) and got all up in my face about it. So I got one of e-homies to tell him I did time in juvy before the mission for beating a kid up and he believed it. I haven't gotten any lip from him since. We've all been having a good laugh about it.

The harvest season is in full swing right now so the work is super slow.

I got your package mom! Thanks for the cookies, they were delicious! Thanks for sharing your temple experience with me. I think the temple is where I've always felt the spirit the most. I think the veil is really thick for me. I don't feel the direction of the spirit as much as some people, which has helped me focus on just building my faith. But in the temple I can always feel the spirit's presence, and it's really refreshing to just take some time and reflect on things. 

I'm doing great. Life is good. The Lord blesses us with so much, it's hard not to be happy.

Love you all!


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