Monday, October 14, 2013

Hey Mom & Dad!
I'm doing great right now. Time is flying by.
It's really great to hear about how much everyone is changing/progressing. I miss you all a lot.
We have another investigator with a baptismal date! Her name is Clarissa. She's planning on being baptized on the 9th of November. So that's cool. We're just hoping that everything goes well, and that it works out. We have a new investigator named Aureliano as well, and we've been trying to contact a guy who wanted a Spanish bible from us and who agreed to take a first lesson, but he hasn't been at his trailer. I jumped his fence to leave his bible there though - since we couldn't find a way in through the apparently locked gate.
On Saturday I was asked to give a 15 minute talk in our branch on Sunday. I feel like I did all right considering I didn't have an excess of time. I talked about President Uchtdorf's conference talk "Come, Join With Us". My Spanish is coming along pretty well.
My companion's name is Elder Edwards (I don't know if I already told you that). He's from Alpine. He's only one transfer away from going home. I don't know how I'm going to feel about sending him home, as I most likely will. It'll probably be pretty hard to see someone else leaving.
He's a great guy, and an experienced missionary.
Halloween is coming up next transfer. We have to be in by 6pm that night, Chico being a college town and all.
I feel like I'm learning a lot - especially how to be responsible and live in a world that's becoming increasingly more wicked.
I need a new oil vial - I lost my old one. Other than that I'm doing well.
Love you all,

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